New heading on the ball lightning investigation has opened. In the first issue we have presented the image demonstrating ability of a simulated Ball Lightning to blow up at some stage of its existence. In next, New Year's issue we adduce the evidence of its ability to blow up, when it collides with a target, and we lift a little a curtain at one of secrets of a Ball Lightning. The electric discharge giving rise to our model of a Ball Lightning has place between rod electrodes of duralumin inside a polyethylene pipe held from destruction by a strong squeezing. The squeezing has a small foramen, into which the outbreak of a pipe and discharge products release occur after the ending of a discharge. The current pulse by magnitude about 20 kiloamperes and duration about 1 millisecond vaporizes a material of the pipe wall and electrodes. Under condition of high-pressure of gas about 1000 atm the aluminium carbide as an aerogel keeping metal balls by a diameter from tens microns and less is formed. The interaction of such Ball Lightning with an atmosphere is accompanied by a hydrolysis reaction of aluminium carbide, whereupon the methane accumulates within it. The explosion of methane reduces to disintegration of an aerogel to smallest particles and expansion of a detonation wave expulsing largest charged metallics down radius. Happy New Year!